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Fairy artwork


Gotta say, I am loving the fairy artwork up close!! All together it is a bit tough on the eyes, but when you look really close at everything, the fairies sure know how to live! That fairy portal on level is like a dream flower in figi! In fact, all the levels of the portal are gorgeous. I just wish I could keep them on the lower levels for a while to really appreciate everything! I am only on level 3 of the day farm but wow, that sure is a fabulous to farm to work on!

I zoom in as far as I can, then I set the google chrome browser to 200% and I can get a much better look at the detail. And our houses all have pools now, or ponds or something! Whatever they are they are lovely! Can you imagine living in a house like for real?

I wish there were more ways to play this game that involved aesthetics, because the artists they have are amazing. It would be fabulous if we had a storage shed where we could buy all sorts of skins and color combos for the buildings....we could buy tons of different buildings and swap them out...maybe even change the background? Imagine if we had choices of different cultural buildings? It is such a shame that we all have to give up on all the lower level building artwork so fast.

Really dive in and look closely and the detail is amazing. I know we talked about it in the beginning, but it would be so cool to have an ultra zoom feature!