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Battle extra squad upgrades through armories


okay, they help at training armies, but at the point where I am in the game (maxed out tech tree), they are pretty much pointless, as the enemies are too strong (most times, I just pay the fee for a province).

so, what if armories provide an extra squad when upgraded from lvl 8 to lvl 9 (from 3x3 to 4x4) because the upgrade is fairly expensive, costing space, citizen and culture, and a second squad at the upgrade from 14 to 15.

this way, players have a chance of winning in ring 8, 9 or 10 (maybe even beyond), and would not need to rely on dumping large quantities of resources into provinces.


I can still manage distance 8 with a combination of treants II and sorceresses II, but it is extremely expensive in troops;
with 5 armories maxed out (training squad size 13 for treants) I am training those guys continuously and I feel happy when I can win 3 encounters a day :(
armories should indeed provide for bigger training squads, and faster barracks would help too :) (2 hours and a half to train 13 treants, you serious ?)
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