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City Expansions - would prefer building count rather than more land


Getting an expansion can be a little anti-climatic as you can't build a lot on a 5 x 5 tile.

I'd prefer to have the whole village ground area unlocked and have expansions increase the amount of buildings that you can build, that way you don't use up most of an expansion with 1 larger building. One other benefit would be that people would be able to have more creative village layouts rather than trying to find the best way to cram in buildings like a giant game of tetris.


Yes and no. I've totally redone my city layout many times trying to get the best fit with no wasted land, but I would quite like to have my city more spread out .. to bring out some artistic flair:)

Just one note on that .. kudos to the developers as the game didn't crash once during 100's of building moves.


What they need to do is make culture buildings req roads (but not other culture items)


What they need to do is make culture buildings req roads (but not other culture items)
If they did that, they would have to define a 'building'. As an elf, I have 'flying boats' and 'spots of whispering trees' for culture ;)


If they did that, they would have to define a 'building'. As an elf, I have 'flying boats' and 'spots of whispering trees' for culture ;)

Thats easy, anything you can motivate ;)


Thats easy, anything you can motivate ;)
Clarification is a wonderful thing. lol. I'm still not certain what can and can not be polished as I suffer from mostly 'abandoned towns' around me and many smaller neighbors who can not p/m me because they have not yet explored as far as my city.

Just out of curiosity... what is your logic for wanting roads required?


If you ever played FoE and visited some of the cities here, often they get very VERY unnatural look about them as people just junk all stuff that dont req road in some corner making the city ugly as hell.

I actually proposed in a mail from the community manager to me yesterday asking, i quote "what could be improved from your point of you. " I will skip majority of the post as it was VERY long.

"To make towns look better and limit how much people make their towns over efficient bloob of buildings, you could add bonuses to street culture, depending on the building that is connected to it by giving it % of its value. This would make a situation where people would start to make a lot nicer looking towns with actual streets. This was a big issue for me in FoE as well. This alone would make it stand out from FoE."


I suppose you MIGHT have a point, and I may have played on the FOE Beta server once or twice :p


If you ever played FoE and visited some of the cities here, often they get very VERY unnatural look about them as people just junk all stuff that dont req road in some corner making the city ugly as hell.

In reference to this, maybe any type of building could give an extra boost when placed in a specific area. Like, building a cultural building among some houses (think of a park on a residencial area), building a supply building close to other supply building (so it creates kind of a 'industrial district'), building armories close to barracks...


Well-Known Member
The proposed idea will not be implemented like that in the game, so we'll archive this thread now :)