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City Entering city focusses on building I choose


... it just proves the point made elsewhere on this forum that Builder's Huts are sometimes hard to find ;) ...

After this remark by Amy, I thought to myself how right she is with that and that in our fellowship we even had to make a list of who has its builder at what point of the city.

So why not let the player choose what building the focus gets set on once somebody enters your city?

You could have a list to choose from like: Builder, Mainhall, Barracks, etc. Of course this wouldn't help much if culture is needed, but since most event buildings are unique you could have them listed too. All it needs then is to be marked by the player with a hook and that's it. No searching for a builders hut anymore. :)


I like the idea, and will support it, but I'm not optomistic on it flying :(


Well-Known Member
This is a definitely interesting new feature and would add something to the game.
For which reason I feel it will probably not be implemented since the powers-that-dev seem to want an iron grip on everything a player is able to do


Well-Known Member
We are currently looking at other ways to improve the NH functionality so we'll have to archive this idea for now :)