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EDITED Q & A SESSION! This is a must-watch!!


Well-Known Member

Here is an edited version of today's Q&A, in which Timon and Rike give you a look inside the design team's plans! This is a must-watch if you take the game seriously!!
At last, Timon confirms that Expansions are being deliberately rationed, to prevent the game becoming too slow for people with older computers.
He talks about the Instants that appeared in Beta today - and the player dissatisfaction with the Pay Goods quests in the Event.

These are the topics covered, with run-times for the placemarks:

1. Will there be Event Buildings that make Mana? (Yes, but not this time) 0:30
2. Event quests are boringly repetitive 1:11
3. Will it be possible to have an expansion as a prize?
(NOTE:a good explanation of why expansions are being rationed) 2:12
4. A counter - so you are guaranteed the Daily Exclusive after a certain number of clicks? 3:27
5. A Friend List? 4:10
6. Building movement - like Forge of Empires? 5:11
7. Small players struggle to produce Magical Goods 6:11
8. The Grand Prizes are not as valuable as before 6:51
9. Daily Log-in Bonus? 8:27
10. Fellowship visits should not take you back to page one each time 9:01
11. Temporary Buildings 9:35
12. 'Instants' – just appeared in Beta World today 11:15
13. Hotkeys to make the Builder's Hut easier to find 13:22
14. Building Storage 14:10
15. What news of the Mobile App? 14:20

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If the Elvenar team is not going to have land expansions as a quest, why not make the event buildings smaller or give us a woodland creature, maybe a Treant, who can pick up the buildings we choose to store and take them somewhere for safekeeping. Something similar to what Forge of Empires calls a Store Building.

In the Events and Guild Expeditions in Forge of Empires (FOE), you can find something called a Store Building that's immediately placed in your inventory. When you use it, you can store a building away for a rainy day. Inno should be able to make something like that for Elvenar, but be more creative. Afterall, this is a magical land where we Elvenar players could use a helping hand.

How about having a dragon fly over the building we want stored and fly off with it? That would be cool.

For the new players, so they don't become frustrated or bored because they can't advance, it would be a nice gesture to give us event buildings that reward us population. I hope Timon and Rike take a peek at the Beta Forum Discussion about the March of the Herds quests so they can read what the Elvenar players are excited or angry about.

From what Timon was hinting at, we may be seeing a Dragon's Inn or Orc Conservatory where only our friends are allowed in. It can't be called a Friends Tavern like in FOE. Must be something that makes you think of fairytale creatures and magic. Thank you for answering some of our questions.
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