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Duplicate Dwarven Street Appearance Oddity

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Game version: v1.2.4-(ec62c05) (2016-03-17 15:43)
Game world: beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 45.0.1
Flash Player version: WIN 21,0,0,182
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1346x622 (?? "viewport size" )
Account name: Mink
Humans or Elves: elf

Reproducibility: 5/5

Current situation: Using the high graphic quality setting, when I look at my own dwarven streets, they look like silvery strips with a little barely-visible decoration along the edges. When I look at my neighbours' or fellowship mates' dwarven streets, they look like highly decorative individual squares. (When I separate a single square from the rest in my town the single squares also have this highly decorative look, but revert back to silvery strips when I connect them.)

Expected situation: The same style of street viewed at the same graphic quality setting should look the same in my town as in my neighbours'/friends' towns.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Have a dwarven street or two.
2. Set "city graphic quality" to "high".
3. Look sadly at the not-very-decorative silvery strips.
4. Visit a neighbour or fellowship mate who has a dwarven street or two and admire the highly decorative look of the streets in their towns.

plain street.jpg pretty street.jpg


You made a screenshot of my city. The problem is that my city is highly bugged since saturday afternoon. My martial monestary is missing, a workshop and residence are missing, the fairy buildings are missing and a new culture building is missing too, the barracks and magic academy aren't working properly.
The streets you see in the screenshot are bugged too, that happens when I open the game or when the game reloads. After visiting a neighbour, my streets look kinda normal again, but the buildings keep missing and the streets will get bugged again sooner or later.

So the streets you see on the screenshot of my city are bugged.


I had streets of the second type in my city this morning, then after a few reloads (following encounter fights), they reverted to the first type


Anne, I hope you don't mind my paparazzi taking snapshots over your city walls.

I've never seen the "bugged style" dwarven streets in my own city, even when my buildings have disappeared. They're a lot prettier than the "normal" version!
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