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Discussion Release Notes version 0.24

Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the changes that version 0.24 brought to Elvenar. For the release notes, check out this announcement!

For anything related to the limiting of declining quests, please do not use this thread, but the seperate discussion thread dedicated to that subject, which can be found here (click).

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Well i dont play here much butt on the dutch server and we click many times a day
Its good to do something about it but think the time is way to long
If its 30 minutes we cant click like a 100 times day and still can do many quest like we need to do

After a little calculating there is no way to support your island at this time there is way not enough place for building
If you want to produce goods and an army for growing maybe an good idea to improve te workshops to a dubbel amount of tools or more
this road your taking now will end the game

There are to idea,s in my story to improve the game and make the players a little more happy becuase like this there is no way to grow and you now what will become iff there is nothing to do any more


Is the problem with the disappearing citys still active? I don't think I have seen it on the fixed bugs list.


That's good to hear, thanks. :)

I have another question regarding one of the next updates. Will the guest races be next or the enlargement of the tech tree?


from what I understood in the video, guest races have research items of their own, so we should have both .... but maybe not that soon ?:oops:


I wouldn't mind having both added at the same time. But that's just me. :D


I see still nothing about when the new tech tree is going to be available or when more space will be available in the city window


Muf-Muf I have just one question about future, IG planned to implement some new big features for us? If you can't tell us what is it of course I understand, just tell if possible if you planned something? :)

I wonder when we can see something like new technologies, new possibility to do with KP or new options for build our cities - new expansions or new city. Is something like that known to you? :rolleyes:
Yes, new big features are planned and being worked on. But as you said, we can't yet share what exactly. Although... Timon and Oliver may already have presented some future content in the latest InnoGames TV. Go check it out if you haven't already! :)


Wow, after this update, i can see a new building...i think is a building of a guest race :), or a new arhitectural desingn of a Central Place.

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Could someone explain to me why was changed only human units and only one from elves?