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Not a Bug Digging Tools do not work in the buried city event on Android mobile


Well-Known Member
Game version: (v1.145.0-3272148-256 (zz1.147)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Android 10
Operating System or Mobile Device: Mobile
Screen resolution:
Account name: Avocado
Humans or Elves: humans

5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
Touching a tool in the digging window does not activate this tool. nothing happens when touching a dust field

Expected situation:
Toul should be activating and then allow to uncover a dust tile

Reproduction Steps
1. touch any of the 3 digging tools
2. try to unveil a tile in the digging site by touching the desired tile
3. observe how nothing happens

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)


Game version: (v1.145.0-3272148-256 (zz1.147)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: Android 10
Operating System or Mobile Device: Mobile
Screen resolution:
Account name: Avocado
Humans or Elves: humans

5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: (if applicable)

Current situation:
Touching a tool in the digging window does not activate this tool. nothing happens when touching a dust field

Expected situation:
Toul should be activating and then allow to uncover a dust tile

Reproduction Steps
1. touch any of the 3 digging tools
2. try to unveil a tile in the digging site by touching the desired tile
3. observe how nothing happens

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:
(add as many screenshots as you need)

Drag the digging tools to where you want them to dig.