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Cannot reproduce Different max. capacity for Main Hall in Main Hall tooltip and storage tooltips


There is a different max. capacity for Main Hall in Main Hall tooltip and storage tooltips:

Bildschirmfoto vom 2015-03-30 11:49:07.png Bildschirmfoto vom 2015-03-30 11:49:25.png Bildschirmfoto vom 2015-03-30 11:49:39.png
Where exactly do you see these tooltips? I have checked myself now, but my tooltips are correct, it seems. Tested with a level 15 Elven Main Hall.


In this post is described, why I won't do that.

But wherefrom should the 600000/6000000 number be, I cannot imagine.

Edit: Yes I can imagine: From an earlier dev version of the game.

Edit: I did a relog and now have the right numbers. But still strange....
I know of no changes to the maximum storage numbers. In any case, if you refuse to clear your cache, then we cannot help you further. Glad to hear it now works after logging in again, though.

Marked as cannot reproduce and archived.


But it's clearly a bug, although a low priority one of course, because it's healing itself.

You didn't do the right steps to reproduce, so clearly you couldn't reproduce. It seems to be very likely, it's needed to hover the capacities, after Main Hall is upgraded to max. level without relogging.

I'm quite sure, that Adobe is telling their customers to advise their users to do cache- and history-cleaning, so Innogames isn't to blame. But I still won't do, in the given thread is said, that you can do without.