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[Diamond buy] Will this world be persistent?


Just a quick question to the developers or someone from the support team:

I was going to buy some diamonds. Now, what do you plan to do with this beta-world, will it be persistent or do you plant to delete it once the live servers are going online?

I mean, if i invest diamonds, i want to see this as a long-term investment. Should you plan to wipe this world within the next 6 Months, there is no point to spend diamonds.

Can someone comment on that?


It was said somewhere, that the worlf will stay alive and wont get restarted, nor deleted.


Well that would be fair at least. But an oficial confirmation or a linkt to that official statement would be cool.


You have your answer HERE

Just to reassure you all, there will not be any changes to the current world (beta1) when the game is released. or indeed when we go to the open beta phase. All existing accounts will remain in place, there will be no wipe.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, there will be no wipe of the server. Diamonds purchased here, will also remain available for you on this Beta world. Note that should you decide to create a game account on the live server of your country as well, when it's up & running, your diamonds for the Beta world will not be transferable to your account on the live server. They will however, of course, remain available here for you. :)