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New Game Features Developers Blog

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Well-Known Member
It would be really nice if there were a Developer's Blog in this Forum - parallel to Announcement and Release Notes.
No comments allowed - just a place where the Design Team could share some of their thoughts about the directions in which the game is moving.
It would be really nice to be able to see a little inside the design process - and it would make disgruntled players feel more involved and less neglected!


Well-Known Member
I too would like this, but when we asked for this before, @Marindor said something to the effect of not wanting to make/break promises, and that the city building genre is competitive and they wouldn't want the competition to know things too far in advance.

I'm not saying I agree with either reason, but that's what I recall being said.

There should be room to bounce ideas off of us without any promises, but I can't speak to the corporate espionage aspect lol


Well-Known Member
they wouldn't want the competition to know things too far in advance.

Can't see that as a good reason not to do it.
It would be their blog; they could decide what to share and what is too sensitive.
A few crumbs off their table would be better than nothing at all!

There is an immense amount of frustration and anger in these Forums and in my Facebook group (which just passed 3200 members! :) )
Players feel isolated and ignored...

If Timon or one of his team did a blog like that they could answer the important questions that get missed in the Q&A sessions - instead of repetition of Storage, Rotation and Unicorns!!


Well-Known Member
If Timon or one of his team did a blog like that they could answer the important questions that get missed in the Q&A sessions - instead of repetition of Storage, Rotation and Unicorns!!
Ugh that live Q&A was so painful, I wanted to throttle all of the people drowning out the important questions with garbage.
15% on storage, 10% explaining Ambrosia, 30% unicorns, 20% staring at the questions, 10% downgrading buildings, 5% 3rd grand prize (which was not answered 100% truthfully) and 10% on a mix of AW/trader teasers with some more event talk.

I'm sure not everyone has the same priorities as I do, but 10 minutes spent reading the ideas that have been "forwarded to the devs" might be a good place to start.


Well-Known Member
If Timon or one of his team did a blog like that they could answer the important questions that get missed in the Q&A sessions - instead of repetition of Storage, Rotation and Unicorns!!

Another thought just struck me - there are people who do not do Videos!
So a blogspot in this Forum where ALL the questions to the Q&A's get answered satisfactorily, in print, would be great for someone who only has 5 minutes for a quick read...


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the idea, but we can already tell you that this will not be implemented in the proposed way. We will archive this thread now. :)
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