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Not a Bug Cost of units


Well-Known Member
Game version: __ v1.27-(18b21cf54) (2017-04-04 12:44)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ 52.0. firefox
Flash Player version: __24.0.0.194
Operating System: __ win7
Account name: __MalpA
Humans or Elves: __elves

Reproducibility: 5

Cost of units incresed soo mad and number of it isss soo high

Expected situation:
units should be cheaper

Reproduction Steps:
1) go to your city
2) chceck how much supplies units cost
3) check how many units i can train


  • xdxxx.png
    143.6 KB · Views: 134


King of Bugs
from your picture the cost didnt increased, increased trainging size so u can train 4k+ golems thats why so high cost


QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Indeed your trainingsize is so high, that it costs so much to train that many units. As you can see, that 1 stack would take you 33hours to train.
So now you can easily see how much it would cost you to train 24/7 :)


Well-Known Member
i noticed that number is higher, but cos is change too i think..cause when i try to make 1 unit cos is like 20...


King of Bugs
not really, golem cost 87 supplies
its 14.5 supply per unit weight and since golem has 6 weight its 87, all units are like that

and i am sure this bug is tied to SSS since its increasing training size per slot which is a bug


my barrack is now engaged with 70+ hour ....
what is wrong ??? anothe rbug ??