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City Color Themes


To increase more individuality I would like to see tha ability to choose differnt color patterns for our buildings.
In other threads people suggested the ability to turn/mirroring buildings, but I think it is a little more complex to implement.
So I think to choose from different colors for our buildings would be a nice and easier to impelment step in that direction.
I was thinking about options like darkgreen roof and light blue walls, lime roof and light yellow walls, orange roof and grey walls, etc for residences and other buildings.
Maybe with only some options for normal building, some more options for advanced and the most options for superior buildings, so progress is some kind of rewarded too.
So the cities get a more individual unique touch and one can play around with color until finding a fitting one, or even use a color setting for every season, day, whatever. :)


That would be nice. It would give your city a unique touch. :)


yes, everyone of us could personalize his/her own town and it'd be fantastic!!! :rolleyes: