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Quests Clicking on buildings giving you quests instead of builders menue


Say, would it be possible to have a normal city, like let's say a dwarven one, with dwarven mines and houses, where you can click onto some of the buildings so a quest window appears instead of the usual buidlings one?

This is not an idea yet, just something I thought of after seeing my new dwarven inhabitants walking around my city.


sounds interesting :) !
now could you please develop it a tad further for better understanding ?
-dwarven city : where ?
-opening a building gives a quest : which building, is it a quest-giving building or do we choose between production and quest, which kind of quest (main, declinable, another type) ?


That would be all part of the idea later on if I can get my answer if something like this would be possible or not. :)


I suggest we'll begin enhancing this idea in the Ideas Forum! It will never be possible when it's just asked as a question in the Questions and Help Forum. ;)

I've given the thread a "Quests" prefix, because I suspect you'd mainly like to change the quest giving system. Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)


Well, not really change but rather enlarge it. I would like to know if its possible to recieve quests through buildings so you can use these buildings and of course the cities they are in as quest givers.

On the map they of course need a nice dwarven city icon and when you click on that, a city shows up just the way our cities are, but of course with dwarven houses and mines this time. Then you say one of the houses, a mine and the main hall for example are clickable and can be recognized as quest givers through a big questionmark floating above. If you choose one of these buildings a quest window pops up. There could be 3 to 5 spots in every city and cities like these could be spread all over the map, filling some of the gaps there are from missing players. The quest could be a nice extra feature, so the dwarves won't disappear with the next race coming up and maybe help some newbies and older players to recieve something nice.

Of cousre not all players get the same. It should depend on the chapter you are in. Also they can only be done like once or twice a day, so you cannot overdo it and gain all your stuff through these side quests.

That would be my idea.


ok, I am starting to understand this now :)
the only inconvenient with this is that even though it would be an interesting gap-filler for the neighbourhood map, I doubt that developers will ever get further than their beloved map scheme with empty city locators that are supposed to be filled by (never coming) new players :)