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[City] Make buildings transparent when placing/moving streets

Are you in favor of this idea?

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  • Poll closed .


Make buildings transparent when you're placing streets.

Streets are mostly hidden by buildings, and most street blocks CANNOT be simply moved around without first moving buildings out of the way, which requires available space to store those buildings temporarely, and becomes tedious on developed cities.

When streets are placed or moved, other buildings should become transparant so we can move/place our streets more easily.

More user friendly, less annoying, will improve player hapiness.

Possible downsides
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I agree, the fact streets are partially hidden by buildings is a real problem.
I'd like to suggest another easy solution to fix this :
=> provide us with an alternative view of the city, where buildings are shown as flat rectangles (i.e. no height)
This can be found in many city-building games, it's even a de facto standard. Why not do it ?
I feel this is missing, and it would perfectly address the problem Fafhred exposed (it's closed to his transpend buildings solution).


I just faced this issue during the last few days, while upgrading to dwarven streets;
fortunately I had some place where I could move one or two residences to and have a clear view of what I was doing;
had I not had this space available, it would have been a real pain :eek:


There is one more option not given here. When we are in "Edit mode", hovering over building can made him partially transparent. This way roads behind buildings will be visible.


Good news : my last post was deleted. That means someone is reading us !


I'd like to see a Bird's Eye view, or a Tax Accessor view if you prefer that terminology, that only included Roads and Tooltips. We could retain the current orthogonal view if we simply used their level 1 Under Construction graphics, on their current footprint, to display each of the buildings, except that Roadway would remain fully developed and COULD even have a tooltip of it's own.

You'd have to remember that the actual buildings are larger, but both the level 1 under construction building and the finished building would have the same anchor in their top center corner so that would be easy enough to work with.
  • There's no reason why everything couldn't still be movable
  • The tooltips would still work
  • No additional graphics would be needed
  • The roads would be far more visible.
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Great Idea but not a new one
This idea has been suggested in other inno game forums for years
Unless something is different with Elvenar devs (which I doubt) this idea will be shot down
It goes against the challenge of building your city just like being able to rotate buildings
They say it makes game easier


I don't know what I'm voting for here.
a. Invisible buildings when you're moving roads (how would the devs know you're focused on roads???)
b. Flat rectangle view (best suggestion above imo)
c. Transparent hover
d. Tax Assessor view (not being a tax assessor, I actually am not quite sure what this would look like)

Maybe clarify this and then add poll?


Well-Known Member
This idea unfortunately didn't meet the minimum requirement of 20 voters and will now be archived.