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Duplicate City Expension

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This morning I have fulfilled the quest of completing 'city expension 10 or 11'. The last thing I needed was Gems, so I traded some. After that, the quest was completed and I earned Expension 10. However, it is not possible to build an expension. The quest I have now is to research Splendid Stone of Art', but there is no space left since the expension is not granted...

alfemijn (playing Beta, Elves world)


Thank you for reporting this to us. You can read more on the topic in this linked bug report.

To sum up, the game allowed some players to access some of their research expansions early. As that issue has now been resolved, every player has to "catch up" with their count. Until the number of research expansions you've placed in your city matches the number of expansions you've unlocked on the tech tree, you will not receive new ones (since you have already placed those earlier). If you're not sure of how many you've placed or how many you need to reach the correct number, please feel free to contact support.
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