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Answered City expansions


Actually there is space for 64 city expansions. You get a limited amount of expansions through tech tree and diamond buy. But is there any limit for the Province expansion done by encounters?
My question: Is it possible to use the whole city ground only with research and encounter expansions? Or will you hit a wall with encounters (e.g. 100 provinces needed for expansion no. 30)?
If yes, the diamond expansions will give a huge starting advantage but in the long run you could compensate.


Well-Known Member
We don't have a definitive answer to this question at the moment. There are only so many expansions to receive for each type (research, provinces and premium), we know that much. The town map already shows how big it can potentially get - at least at this very moment. What will happen with the further conquered provinces after that is a very good question. It's not known at this point, we know that much, but it is certainly something that we will have to keep in mind. If you'd have any suggestions about what to do with further unlocked provinces, please feel free to post them in the Ideas & Suggestions forum! :)


Total space to be covered with expansions is an 8x8 square, thus granting room for 64 expansions.
You start out with 6, in addition you can get 20 by besearch, 15 premium expansions and (according to the Wiki https://beta.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Expansions ) another 23 through conquest. The Wiki wording ("For now, you will be able to get a total of 23 Province Expansions.") seems clear that aquiring more provinces does not yield anything, so obviously currently you cannot save premium expansions by later acquiring more provinces in the long run.

I would love the idea of continued city growth even after the above cimit. Between the current city border and the outer map graphics there still is room to spare, and (if it can be done technically) there is no reason why every expansion should be a 5x5 square - it could as well be a narrow strip of ground with non-linear borders (in fact the current straight city boundaries look quite artificial).