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Not a Bug City Expansion 12 before City Expansion 10


Well-Known Member
Actually this is not a real bug, but still it is not working as intended i think. Look at my tech tree. I can research City Expansion 12 before 10 and 11. I can't even begin spending KP's on City Expansion 10 but still i can research 12.
In order to avoid that, City Expansion 10 might be prerequisite for city Expansion 11 and, 11 for 12.



Indeed, it's not a bug.
But why you have posted this message ?
You will return to ten later, guy ;)


Thank you for reporting this to us, Preator. The expansions are numbered because some quests require a certain expansion to be researched. So the numbers are mostly for clarification while you can still approach the tech tree in different ways and obtain one before the other.