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City change required or provided culture


In my opinion culture is spent too fast. I'm not going for any production bonuses but still there are too many culture buildings and decorations in my city. I can't even imagine how would my city look if I aimed for 150% bonus. I think that either there should be lower requirements or every culture building should give more culture.


Totally agree with you, H.G.C.!

I strictly refuse to build more than six butcher which already costs a lot of building space.

Even though some neighbors are helping (majority of them are inactive), I'm on 125% most of the time.

Of course I will NOT buy diamonds on any Beta for culture buildings - on the contrary: I expect to receive diamonds as an active tester...


I have about 30 codexes, going to build a butcher. multiple red flowers (6) Goldens guards (4) Glorious statue(Not a word about you should have built more butchers. With the codexes my city is more flexible and I can create a better city more easy.) And still my cuilture surplus is no more 200. (With butcher it will be 400 for a short time.


I am all over this to...there needs to be a serious rethink of the cultural calculations in this game....I have a pretty big city, but in order for me to achieve 170% 3/4 of my city would have to be devoted to cultural and I would have to have all of my cultural buildings aided by friends... this system is not working....I have 5 floating citidels, 6 butchers and a variety of other cultural buildings and still am sitting at 150% with most of them aided.


I agree. Culture feels broken.

What i dislike most is the lack of transparency: upgrading residence 8 to 9 "costs" ludicrous 7 culture points, but after doing this two or three times the required culture raises a hundred points!

The upgrade menu said 7 culture, not 57...


Two related ideas about increasing the amount of culture you could get from a culture building are already forwarded. The first one is about the possibility to upgrade the culture buildings. The second one is about the possibilty to aid culture buildings more than once, to either increase the bonus percentage or increase the timer. You can find these ideas here (click) and here (click).

Would it be necessary to increase the default culture of the culture buildings or lower the requirements to get a culture bonus, or would it be sufficient if one of the above mentioned ideas would be implemented? (Or perhaps you have other ideas to increase culture - please share them with us! :) )


As this game is all about upgrading buildings, the idea of upgradable culture buildings seems to be quite logical, but may need a major overworking of available culture buildings. I don't like the idea of multiple polishing because of the high inactivity rate.

At the moment I would favor lowering the requirements for the different production boni to get a releaf for many cities from those uncountable cultural buildings. As I remember there is also a proposal around to increase the time of cultural help, I don't know, if that has been forwarded as well, but this also faces the inactivity issue.


I agree with upgrading culture buildings, but it should come with another cost/trade-off besides the gold/supplies. Maybe having them use a knowledge point for higher levels? This would also give people with nothing to research something to spend them on until we get wonders or an equivalent.

The higher tier culture buildings are also pretty small considering the research and resource costs compared to older culture buildings.


At the moment I would favor lowering the requirements for the different production boni to get a releaf for many cities from those uncountable cultural buildings. As I remember there is also a proposal around to increase the time of cultural help, I don't know, if that has been forwarded as well, but this also faces the inactivity issue.

This idea can be found here (click) and is indeed forwarded. However, this idea is dependant on the interaction between players and I understand that inactive neighbourhoods are a part of the problem. If many players think that the forwarded ideas won't fix the issue, and that the best solution is to lower the culture requirements, I'll forward this. So: let's hear everyone's input! :D


i think that the best or easiest way to fix the culture problem is to increase the current culture buildings (e.g. mysterious cyclone from 440 up to 500).
and like it's said in an other thread, increasing the polishing time from 8 hours up to 12 hours, would be also a great thing :)

ps: at the moment it's a little bit confusing to me how to calculate the correct required culture to be on 150% by yourself :confused: