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Guide Cauldrons 103

Useful guides.

Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
But I want to lead into a pattern of:
  • Add one of each non-diamond ingredient
  • Add, and then blackout each of the Diamond Ingredients to see if it's worth the bother.
  • If there's nothing interesting, dump the pot and use 1 non-diamond ingredient.
  • If there's something Interesting, use up the rest of your Witch Point by adding a second item to the non-diamond ingredients
  • Add 9 of the interesting Ingredient for 225 Diamonds
Too much fuzz for - what most of the time is still - a small benefit, especially if the number of chalises is small so odds for succes are bad.. I do use the weekly witchpoints, but that's it. And still wouldn't mind if the cauldron is taken out of the game... or is made optional?!


Active Member
or is made optional?!
What's mandatory about the Cauldron?? If you totally ignore it you're not benefiting from the Weekly Witch points, but that's the case for most things. Here's a replica of a post in the US forum.

So Simple - Maybe Too Simple

This post outlines a reliable procedure for using your Weekly Allotment of Witch Points and JUST the Brewery Widget. There are no spreadsheets nor fancy calculations. It works the same regardless of the Weekly Diamond Ingredients and how many Diplomas you might have.
  1. Fewer than 573 Witch Points (or if everything sucks)
    1. Add a single non-diamond ingredient. You'll have a 20% chance of getting something that's pretty useless
      • Press Brew and use the rest of your Witch Points for Studying (permanent buffs for) the various Effects
    2. OR Note which Effect is the best
    3. Backout that Ingredient and then look at each of the other 7 non-diamond Ingredients, in turn
    4. Pick the "best but not very good" Ingredient/Effect and Brew it
  2. At Least 573 Witch Points
    1. Add one unit of EACH of the non-diamond ingredients, You'll have a 57% chance of getting something that's pretty useless
      • Press Brew and use the rest of your Witch Points for Studying
    2. OR Add and immediately Backout each of the 4 Weekly Diamond Ingredients, in turn, and note which one yields the most desirable Success Rates
    3. Add 8 of that Ingredient (200 Diamonds) then Brew the mixture for an 80% chance of getting a buff.
      • The best of the buffs should have a 20% or higher chance of being selected, and part of the time you'll get two 20% chances
  3. At Least 2175 Witch Points
    1. Add two units of EACH of the non-diamond ingredients, You'll have a 80% chance of getting something that's pretty useless
      • Press Brew and use the rest of your Witch Points for Studying
    2. OR Add and immediately Backout each of the 4 Weekly Diamond Ingredients, in turn, and note which one yields the most desirable Success Rates
    3. Add 9 of that Ingredient (225 Diamonds) then Brew the mixture for a 100% chance of getting a fairly useful buff.
      • The best of the buffs should have a 25% or higher chance of being selected, and part of the time you'll get two 25% chances
You'll hear about all sorts of "great" recipes, but very few of them are useful regardless of the Weekly Diamonds, and most of them will fall apart when you add more Diplomas.

If you want to thread the needle, you can always use the current Google Sheets Solver from Katwick Cauldrons > Production
or the incremental spreadsheet that Silly Bubbles has developed.
So Simple, Maybe Too Simple (Manual).png

This is NOT a good week for the Brewery.
The best we can do, using the So Simple procedure, is a paltry:
* 20% for 11_SM
* 16% for 19_A1
* 12% for 05_T2
* 10% for 09_GS
So Simple, Maybe Too Simple (Solver).png

The Solver doesn't do much better, and it's twice as expensive.
The best that the Solver can do, for a Low Cost Modest Success recipe with the same four Effects flagged, is:
* 20% for 11_SM
* 18% for 19_A1
* 11% for 15_S3
* 11% for 09_OR
But, just to keep the experts humble, the mediocre performance of the Manual and Low Cost, Modest Success recipes is turned on it's head this week. The Expensive, High Performance Solver recipe is actually CHEAPER than the Low Cost approaches this week. For 200 fewer Witch Points but 100 more Diamonds, the High Cost Solver option came up with:
* 30% for 11_SM
* 30% for 19_A1
* 13% for 05_T2

We'll see how it goes next week.
So Simple, Maybe Too Simple (Solver) High Success.png
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Well-Known Member
I can't imagine the situation were you need such combination of effects, especially for such price.
If can afford using diamonds for boosting chance of effect you really need (for example - barrack strength with current week diamond ingredients - you can take diamonds-free recipe with 33% barracks strength chance, add few Mana Shells for diamonds and get 40-52% chance), but not wasting them just to brew something like you've posted.


Active Member
you can take diamonds-free recipe with 33% barracks strength chance, add few Mana Shells for diamonds

Of course you can ...... if you're using a Solver or even care about the intricacies of Menu Creation.

But what can you do from MEMORY, without any spreadsheets, math, or notes, that's quick and somewhat useful??

I'm trying to support the folks that don't really care, but would like to have at least SOME BENEFIT from their free Witch Points.


Well-Known Member
I can't recognize any benefit in that result. It's not better than random clicking on buttons... even mentioned "3 ingredients" is better than that. At least it gives you a chance to get effect you want and not "I wanted barracks strength, but got a mix of MC strength with some goods production and wasted 300 diamonds on it"...

Dorfl the Clay

Well-Known Member
I am starting to wonder why Katwick is so keen on getting everybody involved in using the cauldron... and using diamonds in it is definitely a nono!


Well-Known Member
I'd say I wonder why Katwick is so keen on getting 100% chance to get some trash instead of 40%+ chance to get something useful combined with some chance to receive part of used spellfragments/diamonds back on failed attempt.


Active Member
Here's a replica of a post in the US Forum.

So Simple Witch Points Allotment is a Google Sheets static webpage that drives a chart of how many Witch Points folks will have each week, depending on how many Diplomas they have earned.
Once folks complete the Cauldron Tech, in the middle of Chapter 5, they will be allocated some Witch Points every week, use them or lose them, for Brewing and Studying.

The Weekly Allotment
= Techs in each COMPLETED Chapter
* the Chapter level
+ Completed Techs in the current Chapter

Depending on which Ingredient you chose, the Effect associate with each Diploma will gain a Factored Value. The SUM of all Factored Values is then scaled to fit into the Brew Pot, whose size is limited by the total number of Ingredients, Sqrt(n/25). So 25 Total Ingredient allows a full sized Brew Pot, while 16 Total ingredients only holds 80% of that amount.

As a consequence, more Diplomas will get you more Witch Points and thereby more total ingredients and a bigger Brew Pot, BUT more Effects will be trying to SHARE that limited capacity.
So Simple Witch Points Allotment.png

So Simple, Maybe Too Simple 06 Diplomas.png

Once you're in the middle of Chapter 7, you'll have a weekly Witch Points allotment of at least 573 Witch Points, and the consequent Total Cables only have to deal with SIX Effects.
* 60% for 01_C_
* 20% for 04_T1
* 0.6% for 06_T3
* 20% for the Troll, because our Brew Pot isn't full sized.

Nobody is going to be impressed by a Coins buff, but that's the luck of the draw. Next week one of the other Effects will behave pretty much the same way.
So Simple, Maybe Too Simple 11 Diplomas.png

Once you're in the middle of Chapter 12, you'll have a weekly Witch Points allotment of at least 2175 Witch Points, and the consequent Total Ingredients can now support a full sized Brew Pot, BUT twice as many Effects will be trying to share that same limited capacity, so the individual % Success Rates will probably be lower.
* 50% for 01_C_
* 23% for 11_SM
* 14% for 04_T1
* 08% for 09_OR


Well-Known Member
Number of diplomas is not directly connected with amount of WP you have.
ch15 player with 11 diplomas has 3450 WP, ch20 player with the same 11 diplomas has 7062WP (real numbers, may be different if you skip other optional techs).


Active Member
I need to unlearn 9 diplomas, please, can i?
How would you prevent abuse? Right now the number of Witch Points that you get is vaguely related to the number of Effects that you can get.
Number of diplomas is not directly connected with amount of WP you have.
COMPLETED Chapters + the completed Techs in your current chapter, is the MAXIMUM number of Witch Points that you have access to. You don't HAVE to complete all of the techs, but then you don't have to spend all of the Witch Points you do have, either. Same difference.

Lovec Krys

Well-Known Member
@Katwick What abuse? I just want to significantly increase chance for Mercenaries' Mayhem in my main city (with 20 diplomas) by unlearning all effects that come after that one(each of them lowers the chance to get Mercenaries' Mayhem when making a potion).


Well-Known Member
You are messing the cause with effect.
Amount of WP depends on number of techs you've researched, number of diplomas depends on number of chapters without unresearched optional techs you have. Both of them depend on how you research, but WP not depends on diplomas...
The difference is not that you "don't have to spend all WP", but in different chances to get desired effects - you can see it in my example recipes in this thread for ch20 with 11 and 20 diplomas.
What abuse?
The more diplomas you have - the cheaper the prices for resources-WP conversion. Ch20 player with 20 diplomas can afford much higher levels of effects than ch20 player with 11 diplomas.
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Well-Known Member
Number of diplomas is not directly connected with amount of WP you have.
ch15 player with 11 diplomas has 3450 WP, ch20 player with the same 11 diplomas has 7062WP (real numbers, may be different if you skip other optional techs).
Chapter 20 - 4 Diplomas here!



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