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Other Cancel option when doing neighbourly help


This is a minor thing but I believe it is a necessary addition.

When doing neighbourly help, you have only one choice; to click on the shaking hands icon. But if you suddenly realise that being an elf, you don't know which building is butcher, you point to buildings only to see that they will double the culture for 8 h. You look for a button to cancel the action so you can read the building names but there is no such thing! You have to go back to the map/city and come back in order to cancel the action!

In short; there needs to be a cancel option for aborting the neighbourly help action.


I agree with you semra.
Even if it seems a minor thing, it can be useful.
Just this morning, I was visiting my fellows towns for helping them and 'cause I'm an elef since the beginning of game, I didn't know the benefits of humans culture buildings; so each time I had to polish a building, I had to go back to the map, to take a quick look at Elvenar wiki about and then come come bak to their towns...it's a hard work if you do that all days :confused:
Your suggestion could avoid all of that ;)


a similar "cancel" button exists on FoE, that is a good idea :)