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Not a Bug "Buy KP" not working when dialog opened on members map/ancient building


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.8.3-(65d9177) (2016-06-09 11:56)
Game world: BETA 1
Browser + version: Chrome v51.0.2704.84 m
Flash Player version: You have version 21,0,0,242 installed
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview build 14342
Screen resolution: 1680 x 1050
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Humans

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Edit: not a bug - but not logical (to me)
Buying KP when visiting a members ancient wonder goes directly to the "Ranking / KP spent", so KPs are added.

Good to know ... but I did not expect it to work like this. Thought, bought KP would add to the bar in the help tab of the AW and my KP bar, as long as I don't really add it to the AW.

Anyway, there still is this greyed-out KP bug (read on).

Current situation:
Buying KP (with goods or coins) does not work, if you open the "Buy KP" dialog while visiting a members Ancient Building. The amount of goods or coins is substracted (see floating label on screenshot), but KPs are not added.

I tried buying KP with goods two times. in between I went back "home", reloaded the game, cleared the cache => no KP added.
Next, I tried the same with coins, also reloading in between => no KP added.

There seems to be an additional bug with that greyed-out, non-accessible KP - screenshot "_4 + _6.gif"
- - -
(Tested Buying KP on my own town/map => works like intended)

Expected situation:
Buying KP should work everywhere, also when visiting members/neighbo(u)rs.

Reproduction Steps:
. Visit an ancient building of a member
2. Go to the help tab of the AW dialog and press the "plus" icon to buy KP
3. Buy KP with goods or coins
4. Close the "buy" dialogBuy KP with goods or coins
5. Back on help tab of the AW you don't see any KP added
6. Go back to your home town, reload ... no KP added

Screenshot of the bug:

(_1.gif + _2 : buying KP in your own town => works)
_3 : empty KP bar before trying to buy KP/reproduce the bug
_4 : "help" tab, visiting a members AW (greyed-out non-accessible KP)
_5 : buying KP with goods (here: silk)
_6 : no KP added (greyed-out non-accessible, was visible after my first try to buy KP, still shows "1" after three tries to buy KP)
_7 : back home and reloaded ... no KP added.


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Last edited:
This is not a bug: when you are buying KP via the menu of another player's Ancient Wonder, the KP you buy are immediately added to the Ancient Wonder, and not to your own KP bar. Note that, at the top of that buy window, it actually states "Buy Knowledge Points for [Ancient Wonder name]" when you do this.