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Duplicate Building upgrade not counted in quest

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1513
  • Start date
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Game version: __ v1.9.7-(6b61a99) (2016-06-28 11:13)
Game world: __beta
Browser + version: __chrome - but also happened on firefox before
Flash Player version: __?
Operating System: __WIndows
Screen resolution: __Not relevant
Account name: __Jouchka
Humans or Elves: __Elves

Reproducibility: 3/3 (3 residents upgrade done in parallel, none got counted

Quest title: __The contest - My honourable lord

Current situation:
Did a upgrade of 3 residential buildings (around 5 hour building required) during the night (not logged in during that time)
At the end of the night none of the upgrades was counted.
This happened to me before. But it seems not to be handled.
Now the contest has so tight time to finish it, it's possible that every effort was wasted, because this stupid quest not being counted.

Expected situation:
Every upgrade shall be counted, even if you are not online

Reproduction Steps
start 3 redisents upgrades in parallel taking between 4_5 hours (at level 7, 13 and 15)
2. power down your PC
3. After 10 hours power up your PC and log in and see that all buildings are upgraded but none of the upgrades was counted for the quest

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:


It has been a long time this problem exist. I usually skip the quest because of that.
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