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City Building queue


I have read so many very good suggestions in this forum - thumbs up for your ideas (mostly ;))

My suggestion is a bulding queue. The two builders build all the buildungs you have queued. I know, my idea will never be implemented because of lost turnover regarding diamond buys for upgrading the builders' hut, but hey: wishing is allowed....


Its not really bad idea, more builders means faster building :p But you dont need to wake up at 4am to click building upgrade ;P


I cannot say if faster building with more builders is worth the buy with 500 diamonds?! At my point of gameplay i would run out of Supllies or money if I queued to many buildings. Perhaps building or upgrading becomes "cheaper" when your game proceed so that more than two builders are worth the buy...


Do quests, you will have more than enough. And abandon bad ones :)


You get more coin/supplies as you upgrade your buildings though. Even though the expenses go up, the income goes up as well.

But you still need a balance of buildings vs. builders. In fact, spending all your diamonds solely on builders in itself is not a good idea because then you would have the option to build but a very small choice of what to build (and/or upgrade). If you're only spending a handful of diamonds then it's best to do a combination of premium expansions and builders. But as you said yourself, this would harm the company's income because using additional builders isn't as efficient if you can queue buildings/upgrades. It is still efficient, but less so.


The queue is not a bad idea. More builders still means less queueing thus faster building.


I think the only way a queue could possibly work is if it was only allowed for building upgrades... and all the goods/supplies/coins would need to be deducted immediately so you couldn't use them for research or scouting... but you would still be able to rearrange and somehow not have the correct space for the building, or perhaps delete the building that was supposed to be upgraded... then players would expect any goods not actually used for an upgrade to be returned... but if something went wrong, everyone would need to have a 'before' and 'after' screenshot along with the list from the queue... it would just get very complicated...

Besides, as you said, they want the cash from almost forcing players to at least buy a small amount of diamonds to play competitively.