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Not a Bug Bug with fields from halfling race


Active Member
the description of the Grain Field says "Connect directly to a Halfling Farm". The description of the Farm says "Irrigation canal connected to the Spring Grove" as the connection needed.

I placed a new Halfling Farm without any connection to an irrigation canal. As expected I got the sign of the red circle with diagonal line as the farm did not conform to the connection rules. THEN I placed a Grain Field next to that Farm and: no red sign above it.

Theoretically the field fullfilled the connecting requirements but practically I would have expected another check if the Farm is able to work ;-)

PS: I rearranged my layout so that the Farm is connected even though I am only interessted in the Field

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hi Saribar, thanks for your report! As shadowblack has said above, this is not a bug, but working as intended. Halfling fields are 'connected' provided they are touching the Halfling Farm. The same goes for other guest races buildings when connected to their respective portals via the correct type of road (eg Granite Mine to Dwarven Portal). These do not show as disconnected when correctly connected to their respective portal, even when that portal is disconnected from the Main Hall.