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Cannot reproduce [BUG] Battle AI


What I expected to happen: The battle finishes automatically after I click the proper button. I hope the AI works nice enough.

What actually happened: my army couldn't go around an obstacle (in autoattack) and they got beaten by enemy's archers.

How often has this happened: Once

Additional information: The fight was like less then 5 minutes before I first posted this message. It seems my army got confused on how they should walk around that obstacle. I had a much better army than the enemy. I'd really appreciate if you check on that.

Player Name: agiestas

World: Beta 1

Operating System: Windows 7

Browser and Version: Chrome 40.0.2214.115 m

Screen Resolution: 1280 x 720

Best wishes,
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ME TOO have a bug with the batles


  • upload_2015-2-19_20-37-26.png
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Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Agiestas, your issue may be related to the one in this thread
Edit: The above link was incorrect, for a link to the correct issue please see my post below.

130nardo, your issue would seem to be a bit different

It would be great if you could both please edit your posts so that they use the template found here, as that will give us all the information we need to be able to investigate these issues. You can edit the template into your post and add the requested information by clicking the edit button at the bottom left of your post.
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Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks agiestas - this is not in fact related to the issue I linked to in my post above. It looks more like the same issue reported here. Though that thread relates to the AI defence, it would be the same AI that controls the attack when you autobattle, so I believe this is the same issue.


Well when you auto-attack your army is taken over by the AI. I have also had several times that the enemy was not clever enough to go around the block. It is simply a design of the battle computer. This time it happened to you and not the enemy.


Well-Known Member
This bug has a lot of similarities compared to this one, only now it's for you own army in auto-battle, instead of for the enemy. For anyone who encounters/encountered this: Could you please provide us with EXACT reproduction steps we can follow to reproduce this issue? You'd be of great help with that, thank you! :)


Well-Known Member
Because there are no recent reports of this issue and exact reproduction steps are missing, I'll set this thread to "Cannot Reproduce" for now. :)