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Cannot reproduce Broken Quest: "The Magic Current II"


There is a quest to build an 'Altar of the Forefathers', this is another and still existing example of quests, that ask for building something, but are completed just when building is started. Unfortunately I missed to remember the quest title.
We have re-tested this quest and we cannot reproduce this issue. Could you please fill in the bug report template for us?


Game version: 0.15.13480-087e06d-(master) (2015-05-05 14:45)
Game world: zz1 (Beta)
Browser + version: Google Chrome newest
Flash Player version: see browser (
Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 12.04
Account name: methusu
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5

Quest title: The Magic Current II (copied from changed thread title)

Current situation: The quest asks to build an 'Altar of the Forefathers' and is completed just when building is started.

Expected situation: The quest should be completed when building is finished.

Reproduction Steps
1. Get the quest 'The Magic Current II'
2. Start building an 'Altar of the Forefathers'

Screenshots of the bug:
Luckily I kept the screenshot I took, that I missed to include before
Bildschirmfoto vom 2015-04-30 15:54:42.png
We have tested this quest again and it seems to work correctly now (it doesn't complete upon starting construction). We did find another issue, though: the game needs a refresh in order for progress to show once the building is finished. As that is another bug, we will mark this thread as 'cannot reproduce' (the issue reported here cannot be reproduced, unfortunately), but we will of course forward the issue that we found for further investigation.
