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Fixed Broken Quest: "Perfect Logistics"


This is a first for this issue.
Game version: __ 0.13.13131-v0.13.1-(master) (2015-04-02 9:40)
Game world: __ Beta 1
Browser + version: Firefox 36.0.4
Flash Player version: __ 17
Operating System: __ Windows 7
Account name: __ Legolas the True
Humans or Elves: __ Elves

Reproducibility: __ 1/5

Quest title: __ Perfect Logistics

Current situation:
__ Upgrade 1 Workshop

Expected situation:
__ Completion of quest

Reproduction Steps
__ Receive the quest Perfect Logistics
2. __ Upgrade workshop
3. __ Quest does not complete
Completed Quest1.jpg
Last edited by a moderator:


Well-Known Member
Hi Legolas,

Thank you for reporting this. The text seems to be incomplete. It has to be a workshop that is already level 5 or higher (so to level 6 or higher). Could you please try this and let us know if that indeed solved your quest?

Thank you for that!


Well-Known Member
We're indeed working on solving this issue. Can you confirm that it works when you upgrade to level 6 or higher?


I was able to complete the quest by upgrading a level 5 workshop to level 6. So the text should be more specific with this.