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Fixed [5056] Broken Quest: "Continual Upgrades"


Game version: __ 0.14.13212-d58ab70-(master) (2015-04-13 16:43)
Game world: __Beta 1
Browser + version: __ IE11 64Bit, Firefox 37.0.1 32Bit, Chrome 41 64Bit
Flash Player version: __17.0.0.134
Operating System: __Win7 64Bit
Screen resolution: __1920x1080
Account name: __Chimere79
Humans or Elves: __Humans

Reproducibility: 5/5
Quest title: __ Continued Upgrades
Current situation:
__Quest doesn't Count building Upgrades. or only 1/3 2/3 but only 1 of 20 times all.
__Happens always. It doesn't matter if you are on or offline.

Expected situation:
__Finished Quest after finishing 3 Upgrades of Buildings Level 5+

Reproduction Steps
__ Select repeatable Quest
2. __Start Upgrades
3. __Finish Upgrades
4. __Nothing happens or you finish with 1/3 _ 2/3
5. __


Well-Known Member
Hi Chimere79,

Thank you for reporting this. For all clarity: To what level did you upgrade the buildings after accepting the quest, which buildings have you tried upgrading and did you wait for the updates to be finished?
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Mainly Residences and Workshops - all from Level 8 to now 11.

Will now test manufactories.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! And is there a difference in which building types are counted towards the quest and which are not?


I couldn't see any differences.
As mentioned above sometimes they are counted and sometimes not. Between about 50 Upgrades (always 3 at the same time) i was able to finish the quest only 1 time.

The most time at best 2 Upgrades of the same building at the same Level are counted.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is the same problem but I have a quest "Upgrade 2 Buildings that are at least level 5" So last night I set the game to upgrade one workshop from 9 to 10 and one residence. I can't remember which of my residences it was but it was definitely one that was above level 8.
This morning the quest only acknowledges that I have upgraded 1 building.

Okay. I logged out and logged in again and now it acknowledges that the quest is complete.

Again today (28 May 2015) - the quest was to upgrade a workshop that was more than level 5 so last night I set a level 9 workshop to upgrade to level 10. This morning the upgrade was complete but I received no acknowledgement. I have logged out and in again twice and the quest is still marked as uncompleted.
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I've got the "Continual Upgrades" quest requiring me to "upgrade 3 buildings that are at least level 5". I accepted the quest, and overnight I upgraded two residences from level 8 to level 9, but I wasn't on line when they completed and they didn't count toward the quest. I am now in the process of upgrading three more.

Please remove the "fixed" label from this bug, since it's not fixed.

Game version: 0.17.13772-0e2c22e-(master) (2015-05-28 14:18)
Game world: beta 1
Browser & version: Firefox/38.0,
Flash Player version: 17,0,0,188
Operating System: Windows 7
Screen resolution: 1347x621,
Account name: Mink
Humans or Elves: Elves
Reproducibility: 2/2
Quest title: Continued Upgrades

Can we please have all this information compiled somewhere to copy & paste for you when you need it, as in the "about" section on FoE?
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this @Mink , I have moved the thread back from the archive so we can pick up investigation again.

Are there any other players who have issues with this particular quest as well?

Can we please have all this information compiled somewhere to copy & paste for you when you need it, as in the "about" section on FoE?

Do you mean like here?


No, I mean the information itself, not the list of data we're supposed to provide.
On FoE (as I suppose you know!) when I go into settings and choose "about",
part of the window is my system/game data exactly as the devs want it
and a button offering to copy it to the clipboard so I can paste it into my bug reports.
You need something like that here so it's not so demanding to provide the requested information.


  • about foe.jpg
    about foe.jpg
    95 KB · Views: 178
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Update: My three residences have now upgraded while I was on line, and the quest counted them correctly.
So it's that same old gots-to-be-on-line issue.
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had a similar thing today:

upgrade 2 buildings that are at least lvl 5

upgraded a planks manufactory from 14 to 15.

I was online while that happened.

the system did not recognize that as right conditions.

how do I repeat upgrading the same building to 15 or another level? or do I need to upgrade something else?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for informing us on that Juni. It's not possible to downgrade a building one level so in that cast, you'd indeed have to upgrade something else. Do you know the name of the quest you're refering to?



This one purrhaps? I'm currently working on this quest as well. Its a repeatable one.


No problem. Btw the quest worked fine for me after upgrading two Residences from Level 8 to 9.


thanks, that was the particular quest.

the problem in my city is: I run out of cheaply upgradable buildings ;-)