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Duplicate Bottomless pit not available for mobile app



new fellowship adventure - no bottomless pit available. Other fellows report the same (various mobile devices and platforms). It works on the PC. Did search for "bottomless pit" on the forum, havent found any ticket, therefore opening one.


Game version: 1.116.2
HTML5: Not sure about the mobile app
Game world: Beta1
Browser/IOS/Android + version: iOS 14.0.1
Flash Player version: no idea about the mobile app
Operating System or Mobile Device: iPhone 7, iOS 14.0.1
Screen resolution: 1,334 x 750 pixels
Account name: BaluWitch
Humans or Elves: Elves

5/5 = happens always

Quest title: NA

Current situation:
I dont have bottomless pit available on my mobile app

Expected situation:
have the bottomless pit available

Reproduction Steps
1. Open the mobile App
2. Log into the game
3. Go to adventure flag
2. see only the graphic background, no bottomless pit available

Screenshots of the bug:
bottomless pit Beta1 mobile app.PNG