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User Interface Boosted goods info visible to all


Hi all,

I mentioned in a different thread that this is mainly a trading based game. Almost everything depends on trading and the further you progress the need for goods rise almost twice as much. Hence the need to find a friend on the map with the goods you need.

That's where the problem begins. Most players produce almost all types of goods since they find it difficult to find a fee-free offer. They try to be self sufficient. So when I try to decide wich friend to discover on the map, I naturally check the goods buildings but unfortunately it reveals no useful information to me.

Every player in this game has 3 boosted goods and they are pre-arranged. Not like FoE where it is a mystery until you scout the province. These three boosted goods could be linked to the player's profile info window. Well I know there is no such window yet but when we visit and click on the player profile pic, a small window could pop-up, or maybe a mouseover window. It could include some basic player info and then list the boosted goods. It could also have a personal message part (let's say limited with 50 characters) which has been suggested earlier in the forum.

To summarize what I suggest:
- An info window of the player visible to everyone
- The info window should pop-up either by clicking or mouseover the profile pic
- The info window should display: Player name, rank, boosted goods list, and personal message

Anyone with me on this?


Hello semra,
I've read with attention your very interesting post, and I think that this could be one of the most useful improvements.
It's necessaryl, for all of us, to know the informations you've here clearly suggested and I agree with you and I support your idea! ;)
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Big + from me for the info window with personal message. I really would like to have such an option where I can write for example that when my neighbours need some specific good real bad they could pm me about it and stuff like that.
Boosted goods can be included, but you can see it on the minimap: north, southwest and southeast provinces are the boosted goods of a city.


Yes, in my personal opinion, one of the missing things in the game, it's just the possibility to communicate in a concise and fast way with the other players (now we can only write messages) and semra's suggestion is going in the right direction for solving that! ;)


but you can see it on the minimap: north, southwest and southeast provinces are the boosted goods of a city.

I didn't know that! I thought they were there only to boost our goods and create some challenge :)

But still the info page could include it ;)


I've learnt the same thing some weeks ago thanks to other players who're writing on this forum :)


I've learnt the same thing some weeks ago thanks to other players who're writing on this forum :)

The forum is good for knowledge and experience sharing but we shouldn't learn about something like that accidentally. If it is a standard feature of the game, it should be included in the wiki or in a video/ppt presentation of the game (for visual learners like me). I just checked the wiki and found no such explanation. Maybe it is mentioned somewhere else and I just missed it?

I think the devs should include tutorial games that points out the basic features of the game like the map and how discovering works, battle, culture, trading, production and boosted goods etc. It would be a good way to learn the basics in a relatively shorter and more fun way. I don't think many of the players read the wiki because you normally don't go read lots of text to have some fun.


I'm totally agree with you about that ;)
We don't forget, anyway, that this is a beta version so it's possible that developers are thinking principally to the main features, to implement new ones and to fix bugs which appears day by day in the game. Detailed informations and much other on beta version, as you correctly wrote, I believe that they will appear at a later stage...who knows ;)


It could also have a personal message part (let's say limited with 50 characters) which has been suggested earlier in the forum
To be complete: https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/player-profile-text.276/ and https://beta.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/welcome-message-when-visiting-a-city.306/. The difference between these ideas is the location of the text. Where would you like to see the profile text: on the World Map (when hovering over the other player's city) or in the other player's city? :)

I agree that you should be informed via the wiki or the tutorial about the correlation between your surrounding provinces and your boosted goods. The text on the wiki page about manufactories (click) states that "The three Bonus Goods are assigned randomly at the start and are listed in the Main Hall." As they aren't randomly assigned, but are dependent on the provinces to your north, southwest and southeast, this wiki text should be updated. We have forwarded this as feedback.


I think the worldmap would be the better place, because you can check faster what our neighbours "have to say".
On the other hand it would then be impossible to read the notes of players you don't know where they are on the world map.
So maybe both? :rolleyes:


Where would you like to see the profile text: on the World Map (when hovering over the other player's city) or in the other player's city? :)

I imagined it to appear in the player's city, on player's avatar pic. The player avatars are highlighted when hovering over, which means there is already a foundation for a possible notification window. But if it is possible, why not both on map and player city?

Edit: On second thought, the notifications on map could cause a visual mess. So, I'm not so sure about that anymore. Besides, I don't think players would care about the notifications of other players that they would most likely never visit!
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