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Duplicate Barracks queues missing progression bar

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1075
  • Start date
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Game version: v1.2.6-(bf49611) (2016-03-31 11:43)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 2736 x 1824
Account name: Grace
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title:

Current situation:
I thought they were stuck again, but apparently the progression bar on each queue is simply not working.

Expected situation:
Progression bar shows approximate progress to completion of the queue in progress.

Reproduction Steps
Start with empty barracks post-fix implementation
2. Load 5 queues of granite golem (maybe any troop? Unsure at this time)
3. Wait - swords will appear for the first queues.
4. Click swords, get the queues that have completed, examine the barracks to see that the remaining queues look stuck because the progression bar is not working.
5. Examine time duration to see that they do seem to be counting down.
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