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Not a Bug Bad Text Quest (?) "Research City Exp. 22"


Game version: __ 0.25.1295-af3ff88-(master) (2015-09-28 14:36)
Game world: __ beta
Browser + version: __ google chrome version 44.0.2403.155 m
Flash Player version: __ 18,0,0,232
Operating System: __windows 8.1
Screen resolution: __ 1600 x 900
Account name: __ Corseforever
Humans or Elves: __ Elves
Hardware Acceleration: ON

I don't know if it is really a bug, but I decided to consider it as a bug, you will correct me if I'm wrong. I'm asked in the main quest to search city expansion #22, whereas I didn't research city expansion #21. It seems a little bit strange. Shouldn't the text and/or the quest be changed ?
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This is about the quest "Creating Space".

We'll check if it is in a logical place within the quest sequence. Thanks for your report! :)
We went over the quests and could not find unintended or very strange behaviour regarding the quest mentioned in the first post. The way the research tree it built up, it is indeed possible to research city expansion 22 before 21 (they do not rely on each other at all).

Either way, this turns out to be not a bug. We do want to thank you for reporting it, though! It can never hurt to have a second look at things. ;)


Thank you for your response Muf-Muf. I agree, the city expansion 22 can be reseached before 21. As I'm (sometimes) rational, I would have probably done 21 before 22 without any other indication ;)