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Duplicate AW: Thrones of High Men benefit is NOT culture

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Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.9.7-(6b61a99) (2016-06-28 11:13)
Game world: BETA
Browser + version:
Flash Player version: irrelevant
Operating System: irrelevant
Screen resolution: irrelevant
Account name: Elevenar
Humans or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5 = happens always

Quest title: Not Quests ... Ancient Wonders

Current situation:
The description (in-game and in the wiki) of the ancient wonder Thrones of the High Men states an additional benefit Culture, which it in fact does NOT provide.

Also, it does not have any special Power, which therefor cannot increase. It "just" adds Ranking Points.

Screenshots of the bug:

20160623 bug_aw_MHT_no_culture.gif


Sorry for the long waiting time. We cannot reproduce this issue anymore. Can you still reproduce it on your own?


Well-Known Member
No, now it is ok.

Seems like you have fixed it meanwhile without considering and moving this post.

"Cannot reproduce" is incorrect, since the screenshot demonstrates, that this error was real.
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