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Duplicate Available troops incorrect after tournament battles

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Game version: v1.8.3-(65d9177) (2016-06-09 11:56)
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 2736 x 1824
Account name: Grace
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: N/A

Current situation:
This one is odd, but it's been happening a lot. During tournaments, the fights will tell me I have no more of a particular troop left. I will confirm this by going to my barracks - for example, last night I went to barracks and had zero sword dancers left. Yet this morning (perhaps after refresh? or server refresh? haven't checked that yet) I have more troops than the tournament fights said I had. I have not built any sword dancers and this morning I have 677, compared to yesterday's zero.

I'm not sure if this bug is a) surviving troops initially "lost" then showing back up, or b) killed troops magically regenerating. Either way, it's a bug. I had to halt tournament fights yesterday due to lack of troops that now somehow I have.

Expected situation:
Available troops should show correctly.

Reproduction Steps
Check troop status and number
2. Fight lots of tournaments - maybe higher rounds? Get to low number of troops remaining (I think I have seen this with granite golems too, but didn't check the numbers as specifically)
3. Refresh or wait for server refresh (still not sure which) and recheck avail troops.


Thanks! Couldn't find that when I looked for someone else's report. Yes, looks like the same thing.


This happens to me every time I fight. My losses are shown twice as high in barracks as they really are. A refresh of the page gets rid of the bug thankfully. But it sure took me a while to find out what was going on. o_O
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