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Well-Known Member
Switching between Elvenar an Web.de(Mail) and return

Game version: v0.35.3(c5f 36cd) (2016-02-02 17:59)

Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 44.0
Shockwave Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows7 64

Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Brummbaer
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility:Appears once today


  • elv9.JPG
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So is it a bug or not? You are calling it an error. Does that mean its wanted behavior or not? I'm a little confused here. :confused:
Ah, sorry. I just tend to refer to this kind of pop-up as an "error message". But, the fact that such a pop-up occurs, does not always mean it is something that's broken in the game itself. Some errors are expected to pop up at certain times, e.g. if your computer has been in hibernation mode or standby, the game will need a reload to display things correctly again, this pop-up ensures that that happens, as it forces a reload (and informs you why it did that).


@Muf-Muf : unfortunately, the popup happens while my computer never enters hibernation nor standby : I do not need these on a tower ;)

the only thing I do is the following :
the bouncing signs (coins, hands, etc...) in game are using CPU time;
I have Elvenar on Waterfox and FoE on Chrome
while I play FoE, I leave the Elvenar beta forum tab active on Waterfox so that my FoE does not lag too much;
when I come back to Elvenar I get the popup - and the forced reload - which I consider unexpected (and hardly acceptable) behaviour, i.e. a bug :)
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