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User Interface Add a Do Not Show This Message Again checkbox


This seemed like such an easy thing to do and was suggested by another player, so I thought I would just cut and paste it here. Just add a Do Not Show This Message Again checkbox to the repeating messages such as "Do you really want to decline this quest":

On the topic of cycling through quest, or as its been said "looping quest" , I believe a very small change in this action would be greatly appreciated throughout the community. I apologize if this topic has been visited before now, but I was unable to find any threads regarding my issue.

"Do you really want to decline the quest? This cannot be reversed" ....

If I see this message one more time I may very well rip my eyeballs out from the sockets .

First off, the message itself is a bit misleading. Reversed ? maybe not but you will have the opportunity to complete the challenge just by looping through the quest lines again.

Seriously , Is this really necessary ? I have seen this message no fewer that 10,000 times , I think I have it memorized by now . I get it .

It slows the game down, It is not necessary, and quite frankly it is extremely annoying .

In 1995 , Microsoft windows was able to incorporated an ingenuous little device to make our lives a bit easier. It was a little check box that said "Do not show this message again". This technology is over 20 years old , Why ... why can you not implement this one tiny little option to improve game play for everyone .

"Do you really want to decline the quest? This cannot be reversed" PLEASE ... GET RID OF THIS - Add the checkbox .... please .


Well-Known Member
Please no. The declinable quests system is deeply flawed, and should be replaced, not made even more popular.
Looping quests is already way overpowered, and should be nerfed, not buffed.
.... Unfortunately exploiting repeatable quests became a 'way of life' for some players. They no longer built manufactories and supply buildings, and their cities were no longer able to function independently of quest skipping. That was never the way this game was intended to work. This was meant to be a game where players build fully functional cities and work together in Fellowships to help each other with resources they do not produce themselves.

In the beginning, quests are in place to teach a player about the game, and later they are to guide a player along the research tree. They are meant as a 'bonus' for playing and not as a reliable source of income.......
I think the developers will need to implement a fix to the balance of supplies before they can remove or even tweak the looping quests. Either by increasing workshop production, reducing supply costs, player movement, a new way to motivate players, or a combination of those(or something else). At this stage it seems to me that the developers allow it as a necessary evil until they can do better.

EDIT: Thanks @Bobbykitty , now I can have the exact same discussion on 2 servers:rolleyes: no cookies(from me) for you!
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Soggy, please don't derail this suggestion on two servers. I don't know why you think you control the cookies, but you don't. If you have another suggestion, that is great. Then please suggest it. But this thread is for THIS suggestion.
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You haven't done that. You aren't talking about the little box suggested. You are complaining about the entire game and you want other ways to get supplies and you want to tweak the quests themselves. Those are other ideas and we can discuss them. This suggestion is only about installing a little box that allows you to Not See This Message Again. It is a common tool that many developers have in place and it frankly, it seems very old school that we don't have that box. I'd love to see it installed with the snowflakes too, though that might be a different kind of function. :) But once Microsoft introduced the world to the "do not see this message again" box, it has become a favorite option among software users. I would love to see it implemented here.


Well-Known Member
Ok let me be clear then
"Do you want the option to not see the decline a quest warning?"
No, I do not.
This option will make the cycling of quests twice as fast, thereby making it much more attractive than upgrading workshops.
Right now there is somewhat of a balance between choosing to
Cycle the quests
  • Takes a long time
  • Yields loads of supplies
Build more workshops
  • Takes no time
  • Yields average supplies
If you implement this checkbox idea, the only downside of cycling the quests will be gone, making option #2 a completely foolish choice.

Despite what you think, I am on point with my disagreement. I know you can see it's more than just a simple box to click.