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Quests A new and simpler way to rotate missions in FAs


Well-Known Member
One of the players in my server, DarkMoonV, came up with a idea to ease badge collection for the FAs. His idea is that all badges could be done at the same time and we could collect them as soon as they are ready. This image exemplifies how it could be done and would be really more easy



  • Aventuras da Irmandade.png
    Aventuras da Irmandade.png
    134.5 KB · Views: 269


Well-Known Member
Need account on pt elvenar forum to see it (always wondered, why viewing uploaded images is restricted to logged in users only on many forums)


Well-Known Member
I would like a small addition if it is not already implied:

I would like to be able to have 78/50 beverages collected, and click "collect" to go down to 28/50
Otherwise if it caps out at 50/50 you still can't do "clean sweeps" of your city without stopping, opening the window, collecting and then moving on.


One of the players in my server, DarkMoonV, came up with a idea to ease badge collection for the FAs. His idea is that all badges could be done at the same time and we could collect them as soon as they are ready. This image exemplifies how it could be done and would be really more easy

I love this idea. I'm so tired of having to decline quests and sort through so many to get what I want, especially if making more than one badge of a certain type. Playing here, then in the live world (a total of 6 cities), has my carpal tunnel acting up. :(

On the other hand, we would need two of these in order to collect more than one item at a time.


Well-Known Member
I love this idea. It is such a massive waste of time and gross frustration going back and forth figuring out the badges and really frustrating to accidentally do a 2 day badge wrong.

While we are on the topic of badges, we need to be able to see how many badges the fellowship is holding and who is holding them...

I actively played the last FA and it wasn't this putrid thing from someone's overflowing septic tank like the original couple FAs, but I think overall getting to the finish with just one path was on the too difficult side and close to being a turn off because of all of the scrolling for badges, and badges the ultimately were not needed. The message system is crap for trying to communicate and organize the making of badges, and you can't go back and see what badges were used after the flag is collected. It was more fun than frustrating with a FA that is good about working together, but with a developing FA, it is more frustrating than fun...

So, any timeline on when we can expect the FA improvements players want that require this overhaul?

I would like a small addition if it is not already implied:

I would like to be able to have 78/50 beverages collected, and click "collect" to go down to 28/50
Otherwise if it caps out at 50/50 you still can't do "clean sweeps" of your city without stopping, opening the window, collecting and then moving on.


Well-Known Member
Might I suggest that with the overhaul, if it is pages like that, all 6 of the workshop badges on one page, the t1 badges on another, the spell badges on another, the coin-military-kp collection/use badges on another.

And then a final point, the most important thing about the badge is what is needed and where it is to be used. Where it is to be used gives the name of the badge and no information about what is needed. When you actually make the badges, you have to work to see the actual name of the badge, but what is obvious is the icon/logo for the badge. Icon/logos are great devices, but only when they are properly linked where they are used and that is very poorly done in the game. So the interface would be better if it had the logo, and said "Make dwarven - 50 beverages." Currently, if you scroll over the icon you can see the name of the badge, but when you are playing, you are looking for the badge that matches what you have ready, and name association does not develop because the name of the badge is not even on the page, and the text is excessive and not useful. All of that text should be what you get when you scroll over. This endless clicking puts people totally in a "rote" state and there is nothing to support learning this stuff when people are in an engaged state, as when you scroll over an icon on the FA map page, neither the name or what you have to do make the badge is there.



Well-Known Member
Easier way;
Have all the badges in mini-tiles in a new menu. Click, fill, finish, done. This might also allow to fill more at the same time.

Luna Star

Because in all the events you put the missions to get relics and solve encounters one after the other?
It is very exhausting because in some cases it is difficult to fulfill both missions in a row. We lost a lot of time.
Ideally, there should be a space to facilitate, for example, the production of the basic impulses of 3 hours, 9 hours, supplies of 9 hours and 1 day, to give time to gather the material to buy or negotiate the struggles , since it is almost impossible to fight, the products are slow to join, and the fights are expensive and our armies are always massacred.