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Cannot reproduce [9381] Shall build Wayfarer's tavern but building is not acknowledged


Active Member
I got the Quest "Build Wayfarer's Tavern" while I already was building one. After completion the quest was still unsolved. So I built another one but still the quest was open.
So I waited til I could start with the fairies, hoping that that would reset my task. But I shall still build a Tavern :-(

Can you tell me if the third one will be counted and I can go on with the mainstory?


Well-Known Member
Hello Saribar,
there was an issue in the past with the tavern quest. If you are off-line when the tavern is finished it wasn't counted.
If you are online the quest was solved.
So keep on-line before finished.
Hoping this answer solves your problem.


Active Member
Thanks for the hint, but it basically means I can't solve the quest as the building time is a bit over 16h. And I don't stay up 16h on any day. Weekdays I am on from 7 am to 7:30 and from 6-7 pm to 10 pm, And weekends I am often not on before 3 pm. Which also is past the 16h limit.
So I will not follow the main story any longer.


Well-Known Member
Dear Saribar,
I heard about this issue from my neighbor. My sugguestion was to keep the computer online over night and it works. Yes, it is energy consumtion.
But he solved the problem stuck in the quest


Active Member
Hmmm, every time I am not doing anything in the game for some time I get a message that I have to reload as "The session timed out". I am using Chromium on SuSE-Linux and keeping the computer on over night is a minor isuue ;-)