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Fixed [9310] wrong number of complited provinces in chest


Game version: - v13.3-
Game world: - Beta 1
Browser + version: - Firefox 45.0.2
Flash Player version: - 21,0,0,182
Operating System: - Windodows 10
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Sakki
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: wrong number of provinces in chest

Current situation:

After completing a province the number of provinces completed doesn't get updated in the chest, i need to log out and in again for the correct number to show.

Expected situation:

The expected situation is to see the right number of provinces completed in the chest
Reproduction Steps
1. See how many completed provinces you see in the chest
2. Complete one province
3. Check the numbers of completed provinces on the chest, it doesn't change
4. log off
5. log back in and now we can see the correct number


also i want to add that the same problem happens in buildings/expansion/number of provinces completed
and if that one will open a new province expansion this one will no be available unless login off and back in.