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Fixed [9000] Internal error deleting Barrack production that got stuck


There occurs an internal error if u try to delete a trainings-unit of 'Blessed Paladins'. Site reloads automatically and the trainings-unit of 'Blessed Paladins' isn't deleted, so u can repeat the 'internal error' as often u wanna repeat it ...



Post data: If u ad another traintinings-unit, it will be inserted before the 'Blessed Paladins' unit which cannot be deleted, and the 'Blessed Paladins' unit is moved at the end ...

Game version: v1.2.4-(ec62c05) (2016-03-17 15:43)
Game world: Beta 1
Browser + version: Google Chrome 48.0.2564.116 m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Extranjero
Humans or Elves: Human
Reproducibility: 5/5
Quest title: -
Current situation: bad one
Expected situation: better one
Reproduction Steps:
- register an account in Inno-Games
- play Elvenar for some months
- create preconditions for scenarios described above
- watch and notice


I'm experiencing the same bug with Firefox 44.0.2, Windows 7, 1600x900, playing elves - dunno how it was caused, but I have a [EDIT: not Golem2, but Granite Golem] and 2 Treant 2 productions (not) running right now, the rest same as OP. Notable addition: I get displayed with tens of thousands of sword dancers. Current situation: Barracks not useable, no units producable, no production deletable. Expected situation: Barracks useable once again, unblock recruitment.

EDIT2: Since I did not have all slots in my Barracks filled, I tried simply recruiting new units. That unblocked the barracks, though the recruiting order was strange and I still have way too many sword dancers.
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Well-Known Member
Solution for Barracks Training Problem

Here is my small "work-around"

Select one Unit of your smallest troops.
Select Train, it is placed in the first slot and started. Fill up the following slots.
All other troops in the following slots starts after finished trained.
(Continue with this procedure until all troops are trained und you have 5 empty slots.)

>>> Deleting training troops results in an internal error <<<
This way do not work

Checked again, it works

1 Sword Dancer and 2 stacks of Treants II. Correct counted after collecting!!

Collecting finished troops during the training procedure leads to an interrupt of the training procedure. The training stuck, the queue is broken!!
You have to restart with my described procedure

So keep the troops uncollected until all are finished trained

I know, it's not great but better than nothing
(You lost the capacity of one training slot)

I think it will work also with full stacks. The most important thing is:



How is
Problems w training troops in the barracks
a duplicate of this post when this post is about an "internal error if u try to delete a training units" and the other one that you say is a duplicate (problems w training troops in the barracks) is about the troops not training when they get stuck on the 3rd batch of them training? It was not about the "internal error"
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it seems that issues are connected : barracks do not work as expected, with various nefarious effects
How is
Problems w training troops in the barracks
a duplicate of this post when this post is about an "internal error if u try to delete a training units" and the other one that you say is a duplicate (problems w training troops in the barracks) is about the troops not training when they get stuck on the 3rd batch of them training? It was not about the "internal error"
It is when you try to delete the units that got stuck that you get the internal error. So the internal error is (part of) the effect of the Barracks getting stuck, making the one a duplicate of the other. :)


I don't get the internal error when the block gets stuck. It just gets stuck and runs endlessly without producing any more troops.


the problem with the army deteriorated
now lose and that paid for their construction
Try as I do that he wrote solution but the result was left without hammers and new army

sorry for the English is by automatic translation