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Fixed [8982] Overproduction on Training


Well-Known Member
Game version: v1.2.2-(a863403) (2016-03-16 13:28)

Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 44.0.2
Shockwave Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows7 64
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
Account name: Brummbaer
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: ongoing investigation

Investigation: Starting a next Training cycle with Granite Golems expected result 20 after 3:07 h (Actual 3 Minutes left). Result is: 20. Result is now correct.

During the overnight Training and colecting the troops I going too many troops
Insteed of having 3 x 20 Granite Golems, I got 819. That's fine for my be definately a bug.

Problem seems to be connected to the update process of the game.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I can confirm that. In the morning i started 5*25 sorceress training. When i came back home, the training was over and i collected 2525 units, instead of 125. As Brummbaer said, this could be a one time issue. I am unable to reproduce it.


just logged pick up troop trained over 13 hours off line, instead of get 207 sorceres.....i get more tan 9000 sorceres.


I just collected 1250 sorcs and also too much golems after being offline for ~10:30


why do I never get one of these :(
and I wondered why everybody is getting ahead of me in the rankings !
of course, they are stuffed with troops and go fighting happyly all over the map
I cannot compete ....

I missed out too. ;( So sad.


Well-Known Member
Just want to add that I have not trained or used any troops at all for months and when a Fellowship member mentioned that they had an unexplained increase in some of their troop numbers I went and looked in my Army Camp and found I had 619 sorceresses. I don't think I ever produced more than a dozen in response to a quest.


Awww, keep it for another day. I need some granite golems and sorceresses to add to my new monster army of Treants. ;)