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Fixed [7051] Missing info about type of province resources


Well-Known Member
Game version: 0.26.1344-c1578a5-(master) (2015-09-30 14:58)
Game world: beta-1
Browser + version: Firefox 40.0.2
Flash Player version: and Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 7 64bit
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: Brummbaer
Humans or Elves: Elves
Hardware Acceleration: ON/OFF
City Animation: ON/OFF

When moving or clicking on not discovered provinces the type of resource is not displayed :(
(Sometimes the symbol is displayed but most time not)
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Hmm maybe they get stuck I recognized it sometimes that I have the little grey circle with the province type on a random province, but only there and it doesn't move. I wondered what it is about, but know you posting this I remember vaguely that it should be the standart for mouse over a province. I can distinguish the provinces now just by their hex picture, so I wasn't so concerned about it.

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Thanks both - I can confirm this issue - the icons showing the type of Province and the 8/8 Encounters completed no longer show for completed Provinces.


It is a real nuisance... any timeline available on when this will be solved?
Beta right now is no fun to play... not only because of this though, but discontentment-things keep adding up.


Thanks both - I can confirm this issue - the icons showing the type of Province and the 8/8 Encounters completed no longer show for completed Provinces.

From reading this comment, I can't tell if you understand the issue. It isn't that the icons showing the type of province for the completed provinces aren't showing up....the problem is that the icons for the NOT completed provinces are not showing up. So, if you want to know what to scout next and you are looking for your boosts, you can't find them.

The only workaround I have for this problem is that I know that the pattern of province relics repeats, so that helps me figure out where to go next.


Well-Known Member
Bobbykitty - I find the pictures on the provinces are pretty distinctive even without the icons popping up, e.g. the crystal ones look somewhat volcanic, the silk ones have a little farm building on them, elixir has a "haunted forest" look, etc. And there's even a little key in in the Wiki ... that might help until the issues is fixed ?


Clicking on a sector also gives you a popup, after the fact.


Yesterday I had this wierd thing on my worldmap
