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Answered 64% Login problems


First of the problem is still around!
Been trying a few things myself and it has come to this:
To play this game I log on using the browser Torch (comes with Win8)
Making sure the History is all cleaned out and that works every time!
This morning I tried without deleting History and promptly got stuck at 64%!
Now I use Torch for playing Elvenar only and everything else on another browser!
It should work with any other browser as well, as long nothing else is played there!
Seems the devs should look into this as Elvenar doesn't handle Browser History
very well!!...


As you know there is an existing thread, why do you open another one?


The issue's still set as Confirmed so it likely means they're still working on it.

I'm not fully sure it's an issue with browser history though. I haven't cleared my history in several days and I have no login issue. I'm using Chrome, though sometimes Ice Dragon as well. I've only had the 64% login issue happen a single time to me, and clearing cache and browser history at that time didn't help it. I just came back 20 minutes later and it was fine.


@ methuso, maybe I felt like a new one!!
@ The Phantom, my main Browser is Chrome and I don't like
to clear out Browser history every time I log into Elvenar!
It's been going on long enough and should be fixed by now!!
I play lots of games and none have this logging problems!!
Please keep in mind that we're still in our closed beta phase. Solving server performance issues such as this is a big priority for us. That is the main reason for not opening the world to everyone at the same time, but rather let people in in (relatively) small amounts of people at a time. It is the only way to gradually increase the server load and gives us a good way to monitor and control the server performance.