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Fixed [6073] Cobbled roads too costly


Game version: __ 0.21.14985-1f89e56-(master) (2015-07-21 14:23)
Game world: __ Beta 1
Browser + version: __ Firefox 39.0
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: __ Mac OSX 10.10.4
Screen resolution: __
Account name: __ Wournos
Humans or Elves: __ Elves

Reproducibility: 1/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: __ (if applicable)

Current situation:
Cobbled roads can't be built because 1 tile now costs 290M of each tier 2 good.

Expected situation:
That I would be able to build roads for a discount. :p

Reproduction Steps
After some testing the cost resets upon logout. When I build 1 tile, drag and wait the blue glow change to red and I cannot build more tiles. That's when the cost changes (had 700-something thousand display once, nothing a third time.)

Screenshots of the bug:


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Build 1 tile, drag and wait. The semi-transparent selection will turn red. Click Done to get out of building mode and check the roads in the build menu. Mine now says 57600 on all tier 2 goods.
Oh wow, sorry, missed the "build 1" step. That is indeed... buggy, to say the least. Thanks for the report!


I found the same issue, but for me is just a little less goods :p
After reloading the page the costs go back to the right amount but after positioning the first tile they rise up again. I tried four times and each time had the same behaviour


  • Immagine.jpg
    794.3 KB · Views: 148


Oh wow, sorry, missed the "build 1" step. That is indeed... buggy, to say the least. Thanks for the report!
I should've been more clear. I rarely write these reports (cause someone else always beats me to it).
Enjoy! ;)
Your report is fine - no worries about that! You said that you had placed a street before the bug occured, even, I just missed it when reading it. :)


And it still happens: first tile went fine, next one was a bit too costly for me :D


refresh seemed to solve it though, it didn't occur again for me (now).