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Fixed [5700] Building counts for Quest even though the building is not finished


Game version: __ 0.17.13711-7a045c7
Game world: Beta
Browser + version: Firefox 38.0.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win7
Screen resolution: __
Account name: Katzenprinz
Humans or Elves: Elf

Reproducibility: 5/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: Achieving Perfection in Unity

Current situation:
I'm currently updating a steel manufactory from level 8 to 9 for the mentioned quest. But its already counting the manufactory even though its still in building process.

Expected situation:
The quest should count the manufactory after the building is finished.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Accept Quest
2. Start upgarde of Steel manucatory
3. Open Quest window
4. See 1 of 3 parts of the quest already as fullfilled

Screenshots of the bug:



Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this Katzenprinz, we will take up investigation!

In the mean time: Should anyone else encounter these issues with this particular quest, please let us know :)


New quest, same problem:


Looks like the system has a problem with superior buildings.