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Fixed [5699] Units do not retaliate to the hits of a Treant II


Game version: 0.19.14206-aff1f0f-(master) (2015-06-22 11:26)
Game world: zz1
Browser + version: FF 35.0.1
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win 7 64bit
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Account name: LordB
Humans or Elves: Elf

Reproducibility: 4/5

Current situation:
When I hit enemy units with treants they got the daze symbol, but in the next round they often do normal damage, beforehand enemy units with strike back hit by treants don't strike back.

Expected situation:
Dazed units should do -20% dmg.
Units with strike back should strike back

Reproduction Steps:
1. Hit an enemy unit with treants.
2. Let the dazed unit hit something

Screenshots of the bug:


Thank you for reporting this to us, LordB.

When I hit enemy units with treants they got the daze symbol, but in the next round they often do normal damage
That is in fact intended behavior. The ability only lasts for one round. From the Game Wiki:
Daze Enemies - Weakens attack of target in the current round.

beforehand enemy units with strike back hit by treants don't strike back.
I do not believe I've encountered that before, but just as a reminder the strikeback only works once per round (so they will retaliate to the first attack, but not to the second, third, fourth, etc. attacks --- Treants have a very low initiative so they usually attack last in most rounds). If that is not the case here, please let us know.


For me it worked in the past the way that the dazed unit has -20% attack until it's the treants turn who attacked the unit again and sometime it's still like that, but most of the time not now.
In the screenshot above you see bottom left the round is called round 1, then there should be -20%, but that more right stands round 3 confuses me :confused:
just as a reminder the strikeback only works once per round
I'm well aware of that, but it's when the treants are the first attacking unit, so no other unit attacked before.
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Dazed units do not used to retaliate ...Thats how it had been till i last remember ...I am not fighting much recently so not sure if anything has changed now... I always used that to my advantage when i used to fight after the bug was fixed ... They dont retaliate the moment they are hit by a treant II even if its the first hit on the enemy ...


Fought some more encounters and looks like knights do strikeback.


I will check to see if something has changed, as I have not used those units in battle recently and my memory is not fresh on the matter (as far as I remember dazed units always retaliated for me). But they should -not- skip their chance to strike back, as that effect is not part of the Daze ability.


I'm fighting at this very moment and I just attacked a Cerberus with my Treant II and it didn't strike back.


Well-Known Member
I am also experiencing this. The attacks of Treant II are not being retaliated. As far as i can remember, this wasn't the case before v0.18


And it's sure no new improvement of 0.19?
For me I saw only light melee does not retaliate anymore and since they would do zero damage to treants anyway it's just time saving that the animation is not there :D
As far as we're aware this is not intended, no. We have forwarded it to our development team as a bug, in any case. :)


It only works with some units also, possibly light melee units?

I attacked a knight with my treant and he did strike back, but no light melee units have gotten a retaliation versus my treant IIs. I'm not sure if this is the case with all heavy melee units though.


Do enemies not retaliate if their damage will be 0 or less?

Because their ability plus natural resistance would give them 110% reduction vs light melee that get affected.