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Fixed [5580] Quest "Good Supplies" doesn't end after an upgrade


Game version: 0.18.14003-09431fd-(master) (2015-06-11 15:05)
Game world: beta1
Browser + version: Firefox 38.0.5
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Win 7 pro 64 bit
Screen resolution: 1280x1024
Account name: Pfil
Humans or Elves: elf

Reproducibility: 4 /5

Quest title: Good supplies

Current situation:
The quest ask me for an upgrade of one manufacturing at least at level 5, I upgraded a magic dust manufactory from level 5 to 6 but the quest still hang waiting for an upgrade.
The same happened for a quest asking for a workshop upgrade, in all cases I had to abort the quest to continue, only once the quest ended after a second upgrade of the requested kind of building.

Expected situation:
The quest may end after an upgrade.

P.S. even the Quest "Elfen Sorceress I" is hanging after the requested upgrade of Magic Dust Manufactoring as reported in another thread.

Reproduction Steps
wait for the same quest
2. upgrade a manufactory