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Fixed [5471] Quest: research one technology with maxed out techtree


as the title says: I have a quest, that I should research one technology.

and the tech-tree is alreays researched (everything).

what am I supposed to do to solve this quest.

please reply immediately with a solution to this that is NOT just declining the quest (I don't think that you would throw unresolvable quests at the player).

and solving one quest shouldn't be too hard, as I have plenty of knowledge points sitting around.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for reporting this issue Juni!

please reply immediately with a solution to this that is NOT just declining the quest

Take it easy there friend, it's only a game ;) We will pass this feedback to our development team for this is indeed a situation we wouldn't want to occur. We're still developing this game and since the first players start to reach the end of their tech tree now, this is the time when these things start to show up, so thanks again for reporting this. Since it's a perfectly declinable quest, declining it would indeed be an option for you now, unless you'd rather wait until this issue gets fixed and the quest would be declined for you, of course :)


thanks for replying :)

at least I do now know how to get a reply within a short period of time :)

and honestly, I thought that someone would have run into this issue earlier, because a few weeks ago I thought; would this quest show up when I finish the tech tree... so there must be others who had this issue too. ;-)