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Fixed [5321] Elven Quest: Make Room for the Treants

  • Thread starter superalexandre9
  • Start date


Hello, in this quest, the objective has a little confusing.

Indeed , demand is "Upgrade 4 Armories" .
One might think that the goal of the quest is to increase 4 Armories a single level.
But we can also increase one armorie 4 levels.
So I think we should correct that text ;)

Amy Steele

Forum/QA Moderator
Elvenar Team
Agreed Superalexandre.. this text is somewhat confusing. Though many quests are similarly worded, like 'Prosperous Citizens' which asks the player to 'Upgrade 3 Residences that are at least Level 4'. Perhaps a hint could be added to this and all similar quests, explaining that you can upgrade one building x times or x buildings once.

Reported :)